A little break

Had my maths exam on Thursday morning; went pretty well as far as I could tell and the after-exam discussion seemed to confirm this. This means that I only have one exam left, Java programming, and its been a hell of slog to get to this stage I simply can’t wait to finish everything.

The gap between exams of nearly a week however enabled myself and a load of other computing students to take a good quality break and just enjoy ourselves for the afternoon evening. We hit the union bar just after our exam finished and got some lunch and a few drinks in before heading down to the quilted llama. Matt and I set about drinking some quality gin (Bombay Safire) and we ended up staying in the bar till around 8pm. We’d all grabbed a collection of sofas in the far corner, and in the midst of study and large work loads it was nice to relax for a while and just have a laugh and a joke about a load of things, not to mention the best thing of all – random chat. When topics vary from the semantic web to who wants to sleep with who, you know you’re both drinking enough and talking it sufficiently easy 😉

After out long pub session we headed over to Sarann’s house for home made pizza and other snack bits – always a good idea, not to mention picking up some more alcohol on the way over. Suffice it to say it was great fun and after explaining the workings of my business to a few interested folks, recieving a load of blank text messages which I still have yet to purge (thanks Gareth), having a few more drinks and yet more random discussion I decided it was time for me to head home; with a 12 hour drinking session under my belt and only 3 hours sleep the night before I was ready to hit the sack. Great night though; thanks to Sarann and others for making the pizza – that has got to be done again sometime 🙂

The break described in the blog title was not only a gap in my blog, the large amount of sleep I got after the night out and the distinct lack of anything yesterday but also the oppertunity to catch up on a few bits and arrange a sail for the friday after my last exam next week, so 3 days on the boat should be a really nice getaway from everything. Also spoke to Sheena on MSN which was nice as we hadn’t spoken in quite some time.

The stage is also set for more after exam fun; I have to keep happily reminding myself that I’m off to the North Sea Jazz Festival – its going to be so cool, but before all of that I have a night at the wardrobe, and otley run, and 3 days on the boat to look forward to. The start of summer is going to be nice and laid back – just like it should be 🙂


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1 Comment

  1. Chris Worfolk Said,

    May 27, 2006 @ 3:50 pm

    I really, really love the Quilted Lama. It’s like our bar. I’m thinking of getting some “reserved” signs made up for the sofas :D.

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