Library Cooling Crisis

While I love the condusive-to-work atmosphere one gets in the university library, I have just had to leave because the only seat I could get in the quiet study area today was one by the window, and as the sun has worked its way around the building over the course of my time in there it got progressively hotter until I was perspiring to a worrying extent simply due to direct sunlight. I have never seen the building so full it must be said; I know exams are close, but lord, the whole world must be in there right now.

In other news today, while I was taking one of my revision breaks I had a brain-wave about the next version of my CMS for phpBB and had a spec and ideas for algorithms hammered out in 15 minutes flat. It will take a while to come to fruition, but its coming 🙂


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  1. James Said,

    May 10, 2006 @ 8:39 pm

    To avert a decrease in performance for my afternoon exam coupled with the immense heat, I decided to take a mild stimulant, Red Bull. Two hours into the exam, I nearly fainted due to suffering from a caffeine low and sweating profusely. Next time I ought to have had a couple if not three cans!

  2. Kieran Said,

    May 12, 2006 @ 9:21 am

    LOL Sounds like some water and a larger meal before hand would have had an equally good effect.

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