Happy Easter

Just a quick posting to wish everyone a happy Easter, and if you have given up anything for lent, I hope you enjoy now not having to give said thing up and of course well done because you have more staying power than I do. Someone suggested to me all those weeks ago that I give up blogging and my forums. It was only when I stopped laughing 5 minutes later that I realised they had been serious and I had probably offended them in somewhat of a minor way at the very least, after all they were probably right on the count that I do, by my own admission, spend far too much time on the net. Needless to say, I didn’t give anything up – even something more minor like chocolate, or heaven forbid, tea.

I haven’t got any chocolate so far today though, and its nearly midday, so I guess he who makes no sacrifice gets their just reward. Have a good day y’all 🙂


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  1. Adam Said,

    April 16, 2006 @ 1:26 pm

    Have an egg-tastic Easter Kieran!

  2. Kieran Said,

    April 16, 2006 @ 1:42 pm

    Oh I will; I have chocolate now too – it looks like I spoke too soon. Nice to hear from you mate 🙂

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