Not blogging enough

I realised this morning that I have been so busy this last week that I haven’t blogged nearly enough. I now have so many things to say and comment on!

Soon to go up is a review to the gig I went to on Tuesday night in York at the deep blues club. Also got lots to say about work lately, including another blog or two on my python project which has been neglected for two long and not suffer as such for a day longer.

In the general spirit of catch up then….. Lectures and work have been going well, and the modules this semester are exciting. Really getting into the nitty gritty of computer hardware is both interesting and challenging, and for the first time in my life I think i finally have enough programming to do (Two modules to do with it, advanced programming and my own projects)!

I’m headed home in less than a week for the w/e and to meet up with friends at a birthday gathering which should be cool, its amazing another first for me – I’m looking forward to a break from the screen! People warned me it would be like this…


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