Pandora on Facebook

I’ve been a long time listener of Pandora, and while I’ve been sharing with you what I listen to on my home hi-fi in the sidebar of my site for some time, I’m now sharing my Pandora listening habits across facebook.

What this means is my facebook profile updates when I start listening to a different radio station and what’s more it gives you a link to listen to exactly what I’m listening to, plus some album/artist art to spark your interest if the name of the station alone isn’t enough.

If you’re into Jazz and Blues music I’d strongly recommend any of my stations to you. Please feel free to post up your comments on my Pandora stations to this blog post.


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  1. Michelle Said,

    September 5, 2007 @ 1:41 pm

    What you are listening to seams to be blank… not even “silence” or “nothing” or whatever it was it displayed before. Am I missing something?

  2. Kieran Said,

    September 5, 2007 @ 3:48 pm

    I’ve recently moved my usual desktop from one machine to another so the server process that keeps that part of my website updated isn’t actually running and talking to my media player. I’ll get that fixed soon though.

    The Pandora stuff is working though and is on my facebook profile 🙂

  3. Michelle Said,

    September 5, 2007 @ 4:23 pm

    Lol, yeah, I realised what you meant when I went to your facebook profile! Looks fun!

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