Born on a Leap Year

I’d like to apologise to anyone born on a leapyear! Sounds like an odd thing to do, but the reason is quite simple. While my contacts database flags up the correct forthcoming day that someones birthday will fall on, this happens a day late for contacts who were born on a leapyear. This means that they don’t get wished a happy birthday by my site until a day after their actual birthday.

The same code issue will also cause people who were not born on a leapyear but for which the current year IS a leapyear to be wished a happy birthday a day early. People with birthdays at the end of February or beginning of March may see slightly more odd behaviour, but its all down to the same problem.

I hope to fix this issue in the next few days so that birthday wishes will be correct no matter when your were born or what year it is now. Oh and happy belated birthday to Drew who’s birthday was on Friday (not Saturday as my site would have lead you to believe)!


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1 Comment

  1. Kieran Said,

    January 11, 2009 @ 2:06 pm

    Better late than never but this issue has now been fixed 🙂

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