BBC puts wrong man on air

The BBC News 24 team put the wrong man on the air to talk about an IT Court case between Apple Core (the record company) and Apple computers. While this isn’t particularly big news, further amusement is derived from the shocked look on the guy’s face in the interview here and the fact he was only supposed to be going for a job interview (you can see a subsiquent interview with the “wrong guy” and the real guy on the phone on this link). Just shows you have to be careful when visiting the BBC; you may end up on live tv not knowing what to say and with no auto-cue 😉


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  1. James Said,

    May 16, 2006 @ 11:45 am

    Am I right to believe he was a taxi driver? Quite appropriate as on the rare occasion I take the exorbitant pleasure, taxi drivers seem to have an answer for everything;-)

  2. Lib Said,

    May 16, 2006 @ 11:01 pm

    I want to see the shocked look on the man’s face. All i get is a re-direction. Please help because i imagine that would have been hilarious to watch!

  3. Kieran Said,

    May 16, 2006 @ 11:24 pm

    I have now fixed the link and provided a subsiquent one with an interview with the guy later on about the experience. Sorry about the problems. Enjoy 😉

    James, I don’t think he was a taxi driver; he was a graduate from the congo at the BBC for a job interview.

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